Thursday, August 28, 2014

A New Normal

We have lots of changes coming our way the rest of this year.

First of all, we are moving into our own place at the end of the year! While we are not building a home like we had originally planned, we are excited to have a space that is our own. Sophia will finally have a room of her own because, let's face it, it is time to rip off the co-sleeping bandage. I don't know who's going to have a harder time, me or So…

BUT I'm so excited to get some furniture and start decorating! I'm sure we'll be moving out by the time I'm finished decorating, but, nevertheless, I'm excited.

I'm also moving to a brand new location at work. I can't wait to open another store and watch every thing come together.

Lots of changes and lots of adjustments, but we will get used to our new normal.

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