Monday, July 2, 2012

Life Lately

The other day, a good friend asked me what my least favorite part of being a mother was. I quickly answered, "Being lumped in the category of 'mom.'" Those without children often see women with children as simply a mother. Nothing else. No individual identity outside of motherhood. But the more I think about it, the prouder I am to have that mommy title! 

Over the last five weeks, I have changed quite a bit. Even during my pregnancy, I was incredibly immature and selfish. I fretted over the smallest of details that now seem insignificant. Things like how much weight I was gaining to getting that perfectly folded stack of shirts at work to making Sophia's nursery just right wracked my brain. Now, I would give up anything for just a second longer to snuggle my sweet baby. To have her understand how much I love her. She's the sweetest, daintiest, most perfect little girl, and I want to give her the world. 

While we were growing up, my mother (and my father!) gave up so much to give my sisters and me the best possible life. They are the most selfless and non materialistic people I know. It was always all about the kids. I know I don't tell them enough, but I am eternally grateful for the life and opportunities I was given. And now I want to do the same for Sophia. I am not perfect. Far from it. But I hope she grows up knowing that even with all my mistakes, I am trying my best.

On a less sappy note, here are some updates on baby Sophia!
  • She has a cry that will break your heart. She gives you huge puppy dog eyes, quivers her lower lip, and screams. For hours. Hours of purple-in-the-face screaming.  Sophia's pediatrician recommended that we read The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp. Hopefully we find a way to soothe our sweet baby.
  • During more serene moments, Sophia has started smiling! And cooing! And following our faces from side to side!
  • Her fingers and toes are always ice cold. The little footie pajamas are perfect at fixing that. And they are too cute on her.
  • She has the funniest facial expressions.
  • She loves to grab onto the collar of my shirt when I hold her.
  • She still has that intoxicating baby smell. It is pretty extraordinary.
  • She is dying to go swimming. Actually, I'm dying to take her swimming. But right now she hates the water. Bath time is quite an event here at the Rivera house.
  • I am considering cloth diapering. Sophia is still in newborn diapers, and we have gone through quite an impressive number of  them.
  • I'm getting Johnny a custom key with Sophia's name on it. As her daddy, Johnny holds the key to her heart. And it will be the perfect gift for him to pass onto her future husband when she gets married.

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